Children in shared physical custody in Belgium and Italy: MobileKids Final transversal report

Rapport MobileKids

This report succinctly presents the main transversal results of the ERC Starting Grant project “MobileKids: Children in multi-local, post-separation families,” funded by the European Research Council and led by Prof. Laura Merla. This sociological research aims to understand how shared physical custody arrangements, and the mobility and multilocality that result from this type of post-divorce family reorganization, affect children aged 10 to 16.

It includes a first section dedicated to the study of shared physical custody in Belgium, which addresses the legislative framework, the perspective of young people on their family configuration, how family policies recognize (or do not recognize) this type of custody arrangement, and offers an in-depth study of the sense of ‘home’ for children living in this type of family configuration.

The second section focuses on shared physical custody in Italy, reviewing the Italian legislative framework and analyzing the concrete implementation of this type of custody arrangement.

The full report can be downloaded here: (

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