Field Notes


Around the comic book ‘Deux toits, un chez-moi’

Deux toits, un chez-moi ? Deux chercheuses de l’UCLouvain publient une BD sur la garde-alternée, Emission radio/TV, BX1, 11/06/2024 « Deux...
vue expo virtuelle

Two dwellings, one home? Immersion in the experiences of children in shared physical custody MobileKids is a project funded by the European Research Council and carried out by a team of sociologists from...
photo bd 2toits slide

Comic book : Deux toits, un chez-moi ? Laura Merla and Bérengère Nobels teamed up with a comic book writer, Falzar, and an illustrator, Pacotine, to create...
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Children in shared physical custody in Belgium and Italy: MobileKids Final transversal report

This report succinctly presents the main transversal results of the ERC Starting Grant project “MobileKids: Children in multi-local, post-separation families,”...

Un Prix de la recherche pour notre équipe

Laura Merla et Sarah Murru ont remporté le 3ème prix de la recherche 2021 du Comité Femmes & Sciences, thématique...
visuel Murru custody

Italian legal frame for separation, divorce, and child custody

This report examines the legal framework with regards to couple separation, divorce and child custody in Italy, and offers a...