Two dwellings, one home? Immersion in the experiences of children in shared physical custody MobileKids is a project funded by the European Research Council and carried out by a team of sociologists from the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Familles et les Sexualités (Cirfase, UCLouvain) under the direction of prof. Laura Merla. The project aims to understand the experiences of children growing up in separated and/or divorced…

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Comic book : Deux toits, un chez-moi ? Laura Merla and Bérengère Nobels teamed up with a comic book writer, Falzar, and an illustrator, Pacotine, to create a comic book, Deux toits, un chez-moi? (Kennes Editions), which addresses the consequences of shared custody (in case of parental separation) on teenagers’ lives. The pitch? Four teenagers, four families marked by parental separation, four…

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Children in shared physical custody in Belgium and Italy: MobileKids Final transversal report

This report succinctly presents the main transversal results of the ERC Starting Grant project “MobileKids: Children in multi-local, post-separation families,” funded by the European Research Council and led by Prof. Laura Merla. This sociological research aims to understand how shared physical custody arrangements, and the mobility and multilocality that result from this type of post-divorce…

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Italian legal frame for separation, divorce, and child custody

This report examines the legal framework with regards to couple separation, divorce and child custody in Italy, and offers a useful guide for international audiences and social sciences researchers interested in those issues.  The first section presents, in a chronological perspective, the various legislations that concern family matters and especially the questions regarding couple unions,…

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« Families facing the Italian lockdown: Temporal adjustments and new caring practices in shared physical custody arrangements »

Objective: This paper investigates the impact of the 2020 Covid-19 related Spring Lockdown in Italy on families practicing shared physical custody (SPC) arrangements for their children. Background: Those family configurations partly challenge the dominant ‘mother as main carer model’ that characterizes Italian society. Here, we consider the lockdown as a « challenge-trial » to analyze the strategies that these…

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MobileKids at the 15th European Sociological Association Conference (ESA)

The MobileKids Team was thrilled to participate in the 15th ESA conference. Originally planned to be held in Barcelona, it was moved to a virtual format due to the sanitary crisis. Our team members presented the following papers:  Title : Material practices of Children in shared custody arrangements: dealing with, and making sense of, a world in…

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The SOHI: Operationalizing a New Model for Studying Teenagers’ Sense of Home in Post-divorce Families

This chapter explores the important question of whether, and under which condi-tions, children alternating between two distinct family dwellings can develop a sense of home that might nourish a sense of belonging to their sometimes, complex family configurations. We first present a theoretical framework to understand the various dimensions that influence children’s sense of home…

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Complexité familiale et politiques sociales

En juillet 2021, l’équipe MobileKids a participé à un panel passionnant sur la complexité familiale et les politiques sociales lors de la 5e Conférence internationale sur les Politiques Publiques. Laura Merla et Lorena Izaguirre ont présenté une analyse politique innovante, comparant et discutant le niveau de soutien que les politiques familiales belges, françaises et italiennes…

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