Configurations familiales post-divorce/séparation en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles : Le point de vue des adolescent-e-s
Dans ce rapport, Laura Merla et Jonathan Dedonder analysent les réponses de 1474 jeunes âgés de 12 à 18 ans,...

Rethinking the Interconnections between Family Socialization and Gender through the Lens of Multi-local, Post-separation Families
This paper presents new avenues for the study of gender socialisation within families, through a focus on children growing “in”...

Children negotiating their place through space in multi-local, joint physical custody arrangements
This chapter focusses on multi-local families and more specifically on the ways in which children of separated parents, living in...

Negotiating One’s Place in the Family through Space
In a book on “Families in motion: Ebbing and Flowing Through Space and Time” edited by Lesley Murray, Liz McDonnell,...